Videos & Pictures

These are our favorite pictures or videos of people stopping whenever and wherever to go.  If they all had a PortaPoncho, they would have been better off.  Send us any pictures or videos you want posted on this web site to

Picture of the Week: 18th Tee at Old Orchard Golf Club, Eatontown, NJ

This NFL placekicker couldn't wait for half time.  Luckily for us, the cameras caught him. 


This is a clip from one of our favorite shows. How timely and appropriate this is to proving our point. Maybe next season they will carry their PORTAPONCHO with them in the car.

This Olympian had the guts to admit what everyone else is afraid to.  If he will "GO" in the pool, I suspect he will "GO" anywhere. I'm thinking he should have a few PORTAPONCHO's.

You are kidding yourself if you don't think this happens at every marathon or half marathon.  When there are thousands of runners, where do you expect them to go?  Bring your PORTAPONCHO with you so you aren't caught at mile marker 17.  

Here is a compilation of multiple gameday relief by the players.